

閏八月初一 響呢日出世嘅人
呢段公元係跟儒畧曆。 儒畧曆1582年10月4號之後一日,係額我畧曆1582年10月15號。下面公元跟額我畧曆計。

1 則留言:

mewmewmew 說...

Nowadays, many people avoid settling down until they are much older. Everyone loves the freedom of the single life; the ability to come and go as they please. No one likes to be tied down and there is nothing more freeing or liberating than being single. Singles can go out, meet people, and take advantage of everything life has to offer. They live life unabashedly and without worries. The allure of the single life is strong, enticing many people to put life on hold and enjoy the freedom of being single.

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